cycle tour 2022

Blog - UK Day 2 (Tue 19 July)


After awakening at 06.30 we had mishap no 2  - Big G had a hissy fit through his bags downstairs and snapped the securing bracket on his rear rack. Also Jim R dropped his front light into a locked garden behind spiky railings - and needed a wooden spoon to fetch it.

After repairs and retrieving Jim’s light we got going about 08.30

What a feckin day. Hills, hills, and more hills.  Big G was in his element .... not !! 

After ascending a massive climb a mirage appeared in the distance. Was it a house? No, it was the highest pub in Britain.  We were saved !!  Fresh orange & lemonade and crisps all round.

95 miles and 5800 ft of climbing and all done in average temp of 31 with a high of 37 even the tar was melting on the roads.

Something rarely witnessed, Big G never finished his dinner, had nae pudding and went away to bed at 9pm.  He looks in a bad way.

Looking forward to doing it all over tomorrow.

report by Jim Seenan


Distance =  95.42 miles

Height Gain = 5,885 ft

Average Moving Speed = 13.5 mph

Ride Time =  7 hrs 06 min

Pedal Revolutions = 23,607




heads up guys, you only have two days left where you do more than 5885 ft height gain:
(posted 2022-07-19 22:18:06)

Interesting start to your trip! Here’s hoping tomorrow is cooler and with no more mishaps. Safe cycling
Susan S (posted 2022-07-19 22:30:52)

Superb lads, cracking weather for your first 2 days although maybe a wee bit on the warm side. As I’ve told Jimmy, I’m mega jealous. Will be following your progress.
Steve Wright, Loudoun RC (posted 2022-07-20 00:42:59)

2 days done and the adventure continues ...party ferry coming up for you all to relax and have a decent night's sleep ..looks amazing so far apart from a couple of small hic ups ...Good to see Big McCall in one off the pics guys a legend and great to have on your team ...heads up guys keep strong ...looking forward to the next instalment ...Spunky the new Enid Blyton.
Shug (posted 2022-08-12 22:36:03)

Nae pudding - that is serious, hope that state of affairs passes quickly. Looks like it should be cooler today so hopefully no mishaps.
Chris Staples (posted 2022-07-20 11:53:54)

Interesting start to your trip! Here’s hoping tomorrow is cooler and with no more mishaps. Safe cycling
Susan S (posted 2022-07-20 22:18:06)

big g and no pudding... must be the altitude sickness. enjoy the weather and stay alive. kind regards.
neil colquhoun (posted 2022-07-26 13:28:38)

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